
The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex on Cognitive Adaptability and its impact on Schizophrenia: A Reveiw of Literature

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The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex on Cognitive Adaptability and its Impact on Schizophrenia
P. Rupondo (2024)

This brief literature review explores the critical role of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in cognitive adaptability and its implications for individuals with schizophrenia. The PFC is integral to higher cognitive functions, including decision-making, attention, and working memory. In schizophrenia, impairments in PFC activity contribute to deficits in cognitive flexibility, a core feature of the disorder. This review synthesizes current findings on the PFC’s involvement in cognitive processes and examines how its dysfunction in schizophrenia affects adaptive behaviour and therapeutic outcomes.


The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex on Cognitive Adaptability and its impact on Schizophrenia – P Rupondo (2024)


The prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays a central role in executive functions, including cognitive adaptability, which is crucial for managing schizophrenia-related cognitive impairments. This literature review explores the PFC’s role in cognitive flexibility and adaptability, with a particular focus on how its dysfunction impacts individuals with schizophrenia. By reviewing global research on PFC neuroanatomy, cognitive adaptability, and schizophrenia, the paper synthesizes findings on neural mechanisms underpinning cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. Key themes include the foundational role of PFC in executive functioning, the significance of cognitive flexibility in daily life, and the implications of PFC dysfunction in schizophrenia symptomatology. The review also highlights theoretical frameworks such as Weinberger’s neurodevelopmental hypothesis and Taylor’s Cognitive Adaptation Theory, emphasizing the importance of early brain development and adaptive cognitive responses. While current research underscores the PFC’s critical role, gaps remain regarding secondary factors like stress, motivation, and medication effects, prompting further investigation into targeted interventions to improve cognitive outcomes for schizophrenia patients.