
This Is Your Brain on Depression: Creating Your Path to Getting Better

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Dr. Faith offers a unique perspective on depression, delving into the brain science with a touch of humor (even referencing Zuul!) to help those who may not understand its challenges and those who are intimately familiar with its difficulties. In this zine, she discusses various options available for overcoming depression, emphasizing practical strategies alongside medication, steering clear of overwhelming drug combinations. If you’re seeking expert advice that’s both insightful and humorous, this zine is a must-read!


This Is Your Brain on Depression
Subtitle: Creating Your Path to Getting Better
Categories: general reading, psychologists, students, therapists, mental health practitioners
Author: Faith G Harper
Publishing Year: 2018
Volume: n/a
Edition: 2nd Ed.
Publisher Microcosm Publishing
Pages: 74
Type: e-book, digital
Condition: Digital
Warranty: Non-Returnable and Non- Refundable
Language: English
Book Format: E book Digital PDF
What you get: 1 x e-book / document
Dimensions: A4