
Acceptance Commitment Therapy

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Distinctive Features of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a contemporary behavior therapy that integrates acceptance and mindfulness interventions with commitment and behavior change strategies to promote psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility involves being present in the moment and adapting behavior to align with one’s chosen values. The book is divided into two sections: The Distinctive Theoretical Features of ACT and The Distinctive Practical Features of ACT. It summarizes the key aspects of ACT in 30 concise points, highlighting how it differs from traditional cognitive behavior therapy. “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy” serves as an excellent guide to ACT, presented in a straightforward format that is accessible to newcomers and useful as a reference for experienced clinicians.


Acceptance Commitment Therapy:
Subtitle: CBT Distinctive Features
Categories: psychotherapy, mental health practitioners, behavioural science
Author: by Paul E. Flaxman
Publishing Year: 2015
Volume: n/a
Edition: 1st edition
Publisher Routledge
Pages: 184
Type: e-book, digital
Condition: digital, copy for students and practitioners
Warranty: Non-Returnable and Non- Refundable
Language: English
Book Format: E book Digital PDF
What you get: 1 x e-book / document
Dimensions: A4